Our metal telescoping blind markers are adjustable from about 15" to 38" tall and in their lowest height are very easy to transport. They have a hard plastic pointed tip on one end that allows you to push it into the ground. The telescoping rod used in this product is the only product we carry that is from China, but since we can't find an American made replacement and because it is needed to offer you this unique and useful product, we are using it.
The top-end is a U-shaped piece of plastic that is covered in a bright orange fabric that creates the target, The target fabric is about 3.75" wide x 3.75" tall X 0.25" deep.
These telescoping blind markers are also available with white tops and a timber print blue.
The target is visible from a distance and unlike orange ribbon doe not blow in the wind, This makes it easy for humans to spot, and not so easy for dogs.